Connolly, Daniel and Family


Griffith’s Valuation

In Griffith’s Valuation, the total area of the townland of Cregboy was 676a (acres), 0r (rood) and 8p (perches) with a land value of £196 (pounds) 6s (shillings) and 0d (pence). Value of Buildings was £26 1s and 0d. Total valuation of £222 6s 0d.

Occupier (1)

Daniel Connolly’s description of his tenement was that of a house with a garden of eight perches and the monetary value was two shillings.  He share the land where the house was, with a Penelope Wade and a Thomas Long. He also had more land in Cregboy in two different locations. One piece was one acre and twenty two perches with a value of 8 shillings.  The second piece of land was three acres 1 rood and 20 perches with the value of one pound, giving a total value for all the land one pound and eighteen shillings.

Immediate Lessor

James Galbraith was the landlord and owned Daniel tenement and land.

Griffith's Valuation Icon




Census 1901 and 1911

There are no Connolly’s living in the townland of Cregboy during both census

Census 1901 Icon

Census 1911 Icon




More to Follow!

Location(s) of possible (O)Connolly families or descendants in the Parish of Claregalway




Questions that can arise…

What measurement in area is a acre(a), rood(r) and perch(p)?

What is the value of of the old English money?

This page was added on 12/05/2016.

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